Too many Chapel Hill residents, particularly our younger and economically disadvantaged residents, are underemployed. If we are to be a diverse and affordable community, we need to address this. My plan focuses on:
- Working with UNC, the Town, and developers to create affordable office space for start-up firms spun out from UNC or for other entrepreneurial firms that wish to locate in Chapel Hill, firms that will grow here and create good paying jobs
- Partnering with the Town, our school system, Durham Tech, and organizations, such as Iron Yard or Udacity, to create opportunities for residents to learn coding and other high-tech skills -- skills that can lead to jobs with start-ups and other tech firms
- Attract, to the extent possible, retailers that provide a living wage, such as Costco to our community
By being innovative and forging partnerships, we can create more and better jobs and help ensure that Chapel Hill becomes more affordable for more people.